About NDSA Climate Watch

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Climate Watch Working Group monitors climate news and keeps the digital stewardship community informed of climate change-related patterns and events that impact our work. By doing so, we endeavor to empower our community to prepare and respond to the impacts of climate change and build a resilient community equipped with the knowledge to advocate and adapt to the emerging realities of climate change.

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To share your thoughts or get involved, email us at: ndsa_climate_watch@googlegroups.com

About the NDSA

The NDSA is a global collaborative of over 280 cultural heritage organizations that take digital stewardship action toward three primary objectives:

  • Identifying, communicating and advocating for common needs of member organizations.

  • Convening and sustaining a national community of practice for digital stewardship.

  • Providing professional development opportunities for staff at member organizations.

Subscribe to NDSA Climate Watch

Climate news for the digital stewardship community