The NDSA Climate Watch working group curates and distributes climate news for the digital stewardship field, to empower our community with information to plan for climate risks and disasters.
Resource lists
Curated resources are compiled across two sections, Foundational and Emerging Resources, described below. For a full resource list, you can select “View all” under “Recent posts” on the front page of the Substack, or you can visit our group’s Zotero Web Library.
Foundational resources are a starting point for digital stewardship colleagues who seek to become more familiar with climate scholarship, climate risks, and how these risks will impact our work, our workforce, and the collections we steward.
Emerging resources include recent news, articles, and publications starting in January 2024 (when the group launched) and are arranged in reverse chronological order so that the timeliest articles appear at the top of the page. Content is added regularly to keep our digital stewardship colleagues updated with climate scholarship, climate risks, and how these risks will impact our work, workforce, and the collections we steward.
Every post includes a table of contents on the sidebar (on the web app not the mobile app) so you can quickly navigate a long list:
Scope of content
What kind of resources are included?
Literature, scholarship, news, and reports related to climate change
Issues surrounding climate change - such as climate tipping points and updated risk forecasts
Scholarship about the impact of climate change on digital preservation and digital stewardship
What’s not included?
Although we have included select resources on climate adaptation, we do not provide guidance on how to respond to climate emergencies
A forthcoming NDSA Climate Action working group will leverage information from the NDSA Climate Watch to compile actionable guidance
Information about how to mitigate the impacts of digital stewardship on the environment
Though this is not the primary focus of the selected resources, we have included a few seminal pieces on this topic
Information on climate justice (join the Digital Library Federation’s Climate Justice Working Group if you are seeking information on this topic)
Since the working group membership is concentrated in North America, many resources compiled are from that perspective